VRChat - Penny's Diner & Bakery

Posted on Sep 20, 2020

A 3D modeled environment of a breakfast restaurant

Quick rundown if you have no idea what’s going on here: VRChat is a MMO social game where users can create and upload their own avatars and worlds that can be viewed in 3D space. It’s basically a lot like “Second Life but VR”. Will has been playing it a lot recently and it’s become an outlet for his old game dev inclinations.

This is Will’s latest project, and we shoved a “thanks to our patrons” sign in the front, so it kinda makes sense we’d show it off here, right? (The world is not publicly visitable yet because of shenanigans.)

Penny’s is based off of Perkins, a fast casual all-day-breakfast restaurant chain that was a favored date location for Will and Paula until 2020 happened. Penny’s is also based off of Denny’s, so, Penny’s.

This is also sort of an interest check for if you guys would be into more VRChat posts, and maybe some behind-the-scenes stuff for this map (like textures and easter eggs).

Categories: art gaming

Tagged: 2020 brilokuloj art vrchat