Taco Bell Steak and Potato Boss Wrap

Posted on Nov 6, 2015

Taco Bell Boss Wrap review

What does it take be boss? It’s an aspiration that most all of us can relate to. We all want to be the boss of something, whether it be our own lives or the responsibilities of other people. Being the boss means a new level of responsibility and the benefits that come with it. Almost everything wants to be the boss - yes, friends, that even means Crunchwraps.

The Boss Wrap is the latest limited time offer from Taco Bell, a ‘fully-loaded’ Crunchwrap variant packed with a double serving of steak. It comes in two varieties: the “Fully Loaded Steak” comes with a double portion of steak, avocado ranch sauce, guacamole, sour cream, lettuce, a 3-cheese blend, and pico de gallo; the other version, “Steak and Potato”, comes with a double portion of steak, crispy potatoes, chipotle sauce, sour cream, bacon, and a 3-cheese blend.

After the jump, we’ll see if the Boss Wrap can pay the cost to be the boss.

The wrapper

The Boss Wrap is indeed Boss-sized. We chose the Steak and Potato Boss Wrap for the purposes of this review, as it sounded a little heartier than the Fully Loaded Steak. It’s nearly twice the size of an AM Crunchwrap (we had one to compare because Taco Bell had free promotional AM Crunchwraps that day) and loaded up high with fillings. The Taco Bell employees couldn’t even get the tortilla closed properly, leaving a gaping hole of exposed potatoes. The exterior was grilled, but this wasn’t really enough to keep the mass of food trapped inside. All in all, it was a mess before it even left the bag.

The wrap itself

Inside, the wrap’s contents were so enormously stuffed that there was actually a middle supportive layer composed of a flat tostada shell. Like the Big Mac, one bun was not enough to support the massive content of this food.

On first bite, it tasted weird. We didn’t know there was ranch sauce in this when we purchased it, so suddenly having tangy ranch flood our mouths[1] was an odd experience. The ranch sauce is the same avocado ranch flavor used in items like the Bacon Club Chalupa, and with the addition of bacon and 3-cheese blend, the flavor is instantly reminiscent.

The interior

After a few bites, it goes from “whaaaat?” to “oh, I get it now”. The steak is very, very low on flavor and mostly exists as a background meat filler to the ranch and bacon. This tasted a lot like a breakfast meal more than the “boss” of wraps. In fact, we think a bacon club Crunchwrap would make a great addition to their breakfast Crunchwrap lineup. Are you listening, Taco Bell?

Texturally, this is very crunchy due to the crisp potatoes, bacon, tostada shell and grilled tortilla. Consiering that the rest of the ingredients are very saucy and wet, this makes for a great balance of dry and moist. If only the steak wasn’t so dry and chewy, we’d have a winner!

Seriously, if you’ve never had Taco Bell’s steak before, blowing $4.99 on this isn’t a great place to start. Very dry, very tough, and very little flavor does not make for good steak. Fast food steak in general is something to avoid, but the Boss Wrap does offer a chicken substitute. Of course, you’re still getting charged the same price for an effective meat downgrade, so consider your options wisely.

The price is really our primary qualm with this item. It’s five whole dollars - normally, you can get the monthly Taco Bell offer in a combo pack for the same price! Truly, this is a Taco Bell treat for the people amongst us who live a life of luxury. A Boss Wrap for the bosses of the world. For the rest of us non-bourgeoisie, is a five dollar Crunchwrap really that great of a deal?

In our opinion… yes? We’re probably not going to get this again, but it was quite a lot of food for the price. We’ll admit it: as much as we stress value in our reviews, the Boss Wrap’s price was reasonable for its content. Yes, even you can live like a Boss for a day, noble prole.

Worth Trying More Than Once

The Boss Wrap was a jam-packed bonanza of meat, sauce, cheese, and potatoes. Seemingly spiting our initial apprehension, it managed to surpass our expectations for such an expensive snack. Just one Boss Wrap was enough to feed two people, which was a delightful surprise considering its price. Maybe it’s not enough to consider dropping a Lincoln for one again, but it’s an indulgent treat if you’re in the mood.

  1. what the hell man ↩︎

Categories: food

Tagged: 2015 bacon discontinued fast food lto potato steak taco bell