Top 10 Spyro Reignited Trilogy Levels We Want To See

Posted on May 4, 2018

Hey, Spyro Heads! We’ve seen the trailers for the Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy and we couldn’t be more excited about it! Spyro the Dragon was one of the definitive games for the original PlayStation, and from what we’ve seen so far, the remaster is looking gorgeous! But the only things we’ve seen are a couple of levels from the very first Spyro game - and we want more!

We’ve picked the top ten levels that we’re most excited to see in the Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy, for better or for worse! Click the jump to dive right in and check out some of our most beloved Spyro levels ever!

Spooky Swamp

Spooky Swamp was one of the most visually striking levels in Spyro 3. Its thematic as a frightening marsh was very solid; it was an overall self-contained and very tightly designed level. But what we’re most interested in seeing is how the HD remaster is going to handle the color and lighting effects! Being a dank and sinister bog, the level had very dramatic lighting effects where your way was only lit by lanterns and torches. With too much bloom, this level could be turned into oversaturated mush - and that would simply ruin the terrifying mire mystique!

And what about those fireflies? Those bulbous headed little escort-mission fodders are going to look awful in HD! Here’s hoping they spruce ‘em up a little!

Magma Cone

This was one of our favorite impressive levels in Spyro 2. Taking place around an active volcano, you’re tasked with ‘closing the lid’ on the lava flow and saving the satyrs’ frat party. It had a very tight design, clear and dramatic sense of color flow, and fun details that lead you through to your destination.

We hope that the HD remaster won’t make any sacrifices or cut any corners - we want the full experience! This level was one of the most dramatic worlds in the game, with a full sense of scale and a good impression of “conquering” the mountain.

We wonder, of course, if they will make the Crystal Popcorn minigame less annoying. We desperately, desperately hope they will remove the frustration factor of Hunter’s minigames altogether, although in some ways we recognize that this new generation of Spyro fans also deserves to suffer in the same way that we did.

Gnasty's Loot

The more invested of us remember it fondly, especially those who attended Will’s 4-hour-long Spyro marathon - yes, we’re talking about Gnasty’s Loot, the prize for collecting all of the dragons and all of the gems and all of the eggs.

Gnasty’s Loot, being the final reward for completing the game 100%, is a definitive level. With TONS of gems, Bandits to chase, and being able to fly anywhere in the level, it’s a reward well earned. But besides its gameplay, it’s also one of the most visually complex levels in the game. The amount of detail in Gnasty’s Loot is ENORMOUS, with glowing lava, shining machinery, and tons of explosions. Will they be able to capture every little detail, or is it going to end up as an over-rendered eyesore?

Ice Cavern

Ice levels are cool! We can’t wait to see the depths of Peace Keepers, rendered in brand-new stunning graphics!

And what of the secret clams, laying tantalizingly out of your grasp? One of the most memorable levels (in our eyes, and if you didn’t like it, then you’re just objectively wrong and a bastard and not invited to Will’s next Spyro party) involves you going down into the coldest part of the Peace Keepers homeworld and navigating the freezing caverns.

Icy Flight

Ice levels are cool! We can’t wait to see the cold skies of Dream Weavers, rendered in brand-new stunning graphics!

And what of the helicopter Gnorcs, always inches from your flame? We have fond memories of struggling to complete this level, spinning rapidly in circles, trying desperately to just hit that one last Gnorc that has decided to be ten inches above where you thought he was.

Ice Citadel

Ice levels are cool! We can’t wait to see the cold, frigid, scornful disregard for Spyro’s lore, rendered in brand-new stunning graphics that will fail to disguise just how much Eurocom Entertainment Software despised us and wanted to take our money, and how much we fell for it because for God’s sake it was Spyro, and we loved Spyro, and it had to be better than Enter the Dragonfly.

They ARE going to remake A Hero’s Tail, right?

Emerald Coast

Who could forget the first time they played Emerald Coast? The loop-de-loops, the killer soundtrack, the final stretch with the lens flare and the dolphins jumping out of the water… That’s Emerald Coast, alright, and we are overwhelmed thinking about it in HD! Never before will this level been rendered in quality - it’ll be the first time ANYONE has seen this classic level rendered in quality! The very first time! Never before has this level been seen looking so good.


Dino Mines

We’re excited to see Dino Mines, the bastard level that nobody remembers unless they were really obsessed with dinosaurs or guns.

It didn’t have a lot going for it. It had dinosaurs with guns, right? That’s all I remember.

Wait, we know some people who like both of those things. Maybe I’m hurting someone’s feelings.

I’m so sorry. At this point I’m voting Dino Mines just so that the people who really like Dino Mines can have something go right in their life. Oh God, don’t take that as another personal attack. I’m so sorry.

I’m sure it’ll look great.


2Fort is one of the most beloved - and one of the simplest - competitive maps in existence. Two buildings, separated by a bridge over water, each one with a flag buried deep within their basements. Two teams slug it out for competitive dominance - and we can’t wait to see it in glorious HD!

Who doesn’t have fond memories of charge-jumping across the covered bridge as Spyro, or kicking enemy players from the battlements as Sheila? The definitive capture the flag experience is finally coming to modern consoles everywhere!

Rainbow Road

We all have fond memories of Rainbow Road - and not so fond memories of falling off the sides - but with the announcement of New Spryo HD Edition Even Better, we can’t wait to live those memories again! Rainbow Road, as the final track in the Special Cup, is the hardest and lengthiest track in the game. It takes place on a literal rainbow in space, though each edition has its own differences. It’s almost always the most beautiful and stunning level in each game, and seeing it in the remaster has got us on the edge of our seats!

Who could forget charging down the rainbow as Spryo, collecting gems and bashing their heads into Gnasty Gnord? It’s one of the definite moments of the game! Finally being able to see the stunning rainbow effects in full HD blows our mind to just think about!

Spyro's Head

I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within! I cannot wait to see the depths that lurk within!

Thanks for reading! Do you have any levels you’re looking forward to?

Categories: gaming humor

Tagged: parody spyro the dragon spyro reignited trilogy

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