NaNo NaNoWriMo - Beginning of NaNo

Posted by brilokuloj on Nov 30, 2017

Tomorrow is the start of NaNo NaNoWriMo, so today is your last chance to get your ducks in a row.

Story writers, hopefully you have your plot outline prepared already, unless you already know you’re good at winging it! It only gets harder from here on out. Having a set of notes to reference, no matter how small, can make all the difference when it comes to actually completing your project!

If you’re feeling a little stuck, it’s a fine time to ask around in the community. The community forum may not look particularly active, but it’s checked regularly by Will (oops, that’s me), who is perfectly fine with answering any questions you have about story writing, tools, or general resource management. Make sure to check out the resources thread, where I’ve linked to my collection of story-writing tips!

And hey, here’s a thing: I’ll admit I’ve spent the last two weeks resting instead of maintaining the community and updating this column like I hoped that I would, but I can definitely spin this into a moral about how rest is important.

I’d worked pretty much nonstop before this point on making new art, but the only important thing about NaNo NaNo is to have fun with it - so do that. Take it easy. Don’t start on the first day if you don’t feel like you can. We’re all here to have fun and hopefully distract ourselves from the crushing weight of holiday stress and oncoming winter.

Tagged: ihateart nano nanowrimo writing