Irn-Bru review
Posted on Jan 23, 2025

What kind of food do you associate with Scotland? I bet you said haggis or something, you racist. No, if you were a TRUE Scotsman you would’ve answered IRN-BRU without a second thought. As distinctively Scottish as deep-fried Mars bars and getting hit in the head with beer bottles, Irn-Bru is one of the few soda pops in the entire world that isn’t just competitive with Coca-Cola in its local market, but surpasses it in sales. As enthusiasts of both soda and international snacks, we’ve been craving a taste of this lurid orange elixir for years and years - and finally, it shows up in the import aisle of our local “nice” supermarket.
Obviously, we got a few bottles. Paula literally stopped everything in her tracks to practically shout that there was Irn-Bru.
The aroma is very cream soda oriented, with strong hints of vanilla. On first sip it presents a very, very cream soda flavor but with a fruity tang that was hard to place. It’s greatly remincient of Champagne cola, a similar cream-style soda hailing from South America. But the more we sip it, the weirder it becomes. The fruit flavor turns gradually into a floor-polish bitterness.
palabomeno: Honestly I’m not too crazy about it. I’ll drink it gladly and I’m enjoying it but I might not buy it again.
brilokuloj: This would be a good ice cream flavor. I could believe this was a soda version of Blue Moon.
starsystemerror: Way more bitter than I expected. It tastes like orange peel, or toothpaste at the dentist.
Will was probably the biggest enjoyer of this, on account of his second stomach for fruit cream soda, so it’s unlikely this will be a regular in our house. But as far as unique sodas go, this one was memorable and worth our time.
The biggest downside of this drink is that the minute it leaves the fridge it’s on a time limit before it turns into hateful orange cough syrup from Hell. Like it or hate it, just drink it while it’s still cold.
Categories: food
Tagged: soda
On this day...
- The Travels of the Dung Beetle (Jan 23, 2016)