Spicy or Spooky?

Posted by brilokuloj on Oct 7, 2024

Take my devious ghost pepper challenge! Can YOU tell the difference between r/spicy and r/nosleep?

This is the very first quiz I’ve managed to set up on the new Eleventy blog and you better like it because it took me all freaking day and I’m tired. In fact, I expect you to not only show this to your friends and compare scores, but read it out question-by-question on a Discord call until they ask you to stop.


This one’s, uh, it gets gross in all of the ways you can imagine.

The Ghost Pepper Quiz

1. Just unbearable burning. Nothing pleasant about it in the least. My bottom lip started quiver and my ear canals felt like they were punctured.

“WARNING: Do NOT do the One Chip Challenge” by ForeverInBlackJeans on r/spicy

2. The absolute searing stomach pain was so bad that I couldn’t feel my lower half of my body. I couldn’t take it no more and decided to get myself to the hospital. They ended up finding out that I had a ruptured esophagus from puking so much and had to perform immediate surgery.

“I can never eat spicy food again, goodbye my favourite subreddit” by Honestly-Bored on r/spicy

3. The smell had become so ingrained in the fabric of my clothes that it clung to me like a shadow. Nothing I tried could keep the smell out of my nostrils. Not air fresheners, not a face mask, not three showers and a change of clothes.

“A Package Marked “Return to sender”” by manen_lyset on r/nosleep

4. There are no more tears in me. It feels now like I can’t catch my breath. I vomited what little food I had in my stomach and I am growing dizzy again, like I did after Nadja died. I am not long for this world.

“My student submitted the most disturbing “Living History” project I’ve ever seen.” by gretelcat on r/nosleep

5. I had no idea before writing this how many fragile individuals lurked in these putrid waters.

“Buldak is trash and you are all garbage people” by UnrepentantCarnivore on r/spicy

6. I've been trying to leave my bathroom for the past 30 minutes

“I’ve been trying to leave my bathroom for the past 30 minutes” by v0ids on r/nosleep

7. As it struck, I felt the distinct sensation of claws puncturing me somewhere unseen; somewhere I'd never felt before. My hands and arms and legs and torso seemed fine and I wasn't bleeding, but I knew I'd been injured somehow.

“A Shattered Life” by M59Gar on r/nosleep

8. 3 hour later when I was sleeping... I woke up to the worst pain I've ever felt in my 26 year life. It seriously felt like I was being stabbed repeatedly from the inside of my stomach. I tried crawling to the bathroom and yelled to wake my wife up and said I need to go to the hospital

“I ate a whole reaper and thought I was going to die. How do people do this?” by fruitybrisket on r/spicy

9. When it came out just the smell that came off of it was pure hatred. It was dark, dark brown and the smell was undeniable. I looked over at my wife concerned and she pretty much gave me the look that told me I had made my bed and it was time to sleep in it.

“Dave’s Hot Chicken is Actually Hot” by thetruekingofspace on r/spicy

10. The smell and heat it omitted made me want to vomit again but I held it back. This was insane, this wasn't happening. My mind spun and twisted in chaos and fear. There had to be some other way. I couldn't do this, I COULD NOT do this! Suddenly I remembered the words of the woman: Sometimes suffering through your fear is better than suffering for eternity. Be brave.

“Feed the Pig” by Elias_Witherow on r/nosleep

Your score is: ?

Tagged: reddit

On this day...